Thursday, August 21, 2008

Optimism of August!

Cross season is fast approaching. I'm excited to see FresnOakland in action this year. Predictions for the year;

1. It looks like we'll have Chopstash and Lucky Charms in pro-B shape moving into the early season.

2. Tom will have a rebound year with his massive 8-hour feats of endurance base.

3. Dave green will dominate the cool factor

4. Ryan will need a xxxxxxs FresnOakland jersey for the new little one.

5. Maybe we'll even see a glimpse of Tim and Bikenut sometime this year.

6. As for me My goal is to block, cut off and just plain clear the way for all of FresnOakland until my lungs stop permeating the toxins of what the fires & smoke left behind.

7. Maybe we'll even have 1 muddy race this year.


Any preseason Predictions?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sports before the Olympics are even open...

is a crazy thing. I am really looking forward to the celebration of sport we will witness over the next few weeks, but one thing gets me every time. Early competition. How do they allow competition to occur prior to the opening ceremonies. Take women's soccer as an example of where the early rounds have started and the US Women lost their match. Do you think they are going to be eager to be rah-rah during the opening ceremonies? Or even worse, what if an athlete is injured in competition prior to the Olympics being 'open'. Stop the nonsense and hold the opening ceremony before any competition occurs. And once the last piece of hardware is handed out, close it down.